Public Inquiry · Banks recapitalisation: Good time to bury bad news?

Public Inquiry · Banks recapitalisation: Good time to bury bad news?: "Another event that will be buried beneath the media storm surrounding the banking crisis will be a decision tomorrow by the Cabinet, based on the Farrell Grant Sparks report, on whether to initiate further investigations into the scandals involving the Dublin Docklands Development Authority."CRIME AND THE CAUSES OF CRIME?

Flora Women's Mini Marathon 2010 | Irish Penal Reform Trust (IPRT)

Flora Women's Mini Marathon 2010 Irish Penal Reform Trust (IPRT): "Over the course of our work in 2009, we have received an increasing number of queries from prisoners and their families about life in prison, the rights of prisoners, and the support available for prisoners, ex-prisoners and their families."WORKING-CLASS INEQUALITY?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

PMA - inside stories

PMA - inside stories: "This is an important acknowledgement of each person's ownership of their own story.ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD.

Green’s preoccupation with ministerial position has more to do with self-preservation than policy | Joe

Green’s preoccupation with ministerial position has more to do with self-preservation than policy Joe "The drive by John Gormley for the inclusion of deputies White and Cuffe to be included among the newly appointed junior ministers is nothing more than a desperate attempt to give them a raised profile with the vain hope that will save their electoral bacon."

Monday, March 15, 2010

Cheneyism: The New American McCarthyism | War and Peace |

Cheneyism: The New American McCarthyism War and Peace "How do you push a neoconservative political agenda? How do you undermine and discredit those who do not share your political views?"

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Cork University Press - Prison Policy in Ireland: Criminal Justice versus Social Justice

Cork University Press - Prison Policy in Ireland: Criminal Justice versus Social Justice: "Prison Policy in Ireland examines the history of prison policy in Ireland, examining in particular the gap between officially stated policy and the actual situation."

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Niagara Whistleblower Joins FAIR Advisory Board | FAIR

Niagara Whistleblower Joins FAIR Advisory Board FAIR: "'I'm proud to be a part of what FAIR is trying to accomplish.' said Gale. 'Employees are often the first to know about wrongdoing that threatens the public interest, but in Canada, as I found out, there is little to protect them if they speak out. We need to correct this absurd situation and I'm confident that we will.'"

Newsmax - Roberts: Scene at State of Union 'Very Troubling'

Newsmax - Roberts: Scene at State of Union 'Very Troubling': "Roberts told law students at the University of Alabama that anyone is free to criticize the court, but he was troubled the remarks came during that setting. Roberts says the State of the Union address has 'degenerated to a political pep rally.'"

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Current campaign | Irish Penal Reform Trust (IPRT)

Current campaign Irish Penal Reform Trust (IPRT): "We are currently gearing up for campaign which will be launched in April 2010. The campaign will focus on the potential for a shift in justice resources to prevention and early intervention."

No 'gangster' apology for Fingleton - National News, Frontpage -

No 'gangster' apology for Fingleton - National News, Frontpage - "CONTROVERSIAL former bank boss Michael Fingleton has failed in his bid to get a Dail apology for being branded a 'gangster' by a TD."

Newsmax - It’s Rahm vs. Axelrod, and Rahm Is Winning

Newsmax - It’s Rahm vs. Axelrod, and Rahm Is Winning: "This Sunday’s New York Times, for example, features Axelrod and describes him as the ideological courtier advising the president into darkness as Emanuel remains the level-headed counselor."WHEN A "DEAR FRIEND"IS IN NEED?