Tuesday, November 29, 2011

ENCOURAGECHANGE.: Mary Raftery, Christian Brothers, Irish Times Controversy, Brother Edmund Garvey

ENCOURAGECHANGE.: Mary Raftery, Christian Brothers, Irish Times Controversy, Brother Edmund Garvey: And the outcome of probably the largest child sex abuse investigation ever in the history of the State? One single solitary charge, brought back in 1999 during the earliest stages of the operation, and which has yet to come to trial. Only a few months ago, the DPP made his final decision that there would be no further charges laid against any brother in Artane. This is despite the fact that in some cases, Brothers had actually admitted during the investigation that they had sexually abused boys. Needless to say, neither gardaĆ­ nor the DPP were aware of the existence of records detailing no fewer than 11 internal trials of Brothers in Artane for child sexual abuse."?KEEP DIGGING?

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